On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Kassen wrote:
Hmmmm. I think that on other OS's I have had nothing but bad luck with listed devices that only had outputs or only inputs. What if you try using that "out only" device while asking ChucK for 0 input channels (default is 2)?
Looks like you might be onto something here. I'll try with a command line request for no ADC:
etla:/Volumes/Namring/Documents/ChucK$ chuck --verbose --dac2 foo.ck [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): setting log level to: 5 (INFORM)... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing virtual machine... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | behavior: HALT [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | locking down special objects... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating shreduler... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating messaging buffers... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | real-time audio: YES [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | mode: CALLBACK [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | sample rate: 44100 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | buffer size: 256 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | num buffers: 8 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | devices adc: 0 dac: 2 (default 0) [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | adaptive block processing: 0 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | channels in: 2 out: 2 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing compiler... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing type checker... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | adding base classes... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'object' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'array' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'string' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'ugen' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uanablob' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uana' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'shred' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'event' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'io' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'fileio' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'chout' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'cherr' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'class' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing emitter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | loading built-in modules... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module osc... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xxx... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module filter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module STK... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xform... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module extract... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'machine'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'std'... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | initializing KBHitManager... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | starting kb loop... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'math'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'opsc'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | loading chugins [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | unable to open directory '/usr/lib/chuck', ignoring for chugins [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | unable to open directory '/Library/Application Support/ChucK', ignoring for chugins [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): type dependency resolution: MANUAL [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing synthesis engine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'dac'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'adc'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'blackhole'... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | initializing 'real-time' audio... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | exception caught: 'RtApiCore::probeDeviceOpen: the device (1) does not support the requested channel count.'... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | trying 0 input 2 output... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | allocating buffers for 256 x 2 samples... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): pre-loading ChucK libs... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): starting compilation... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): setting thread priority to: 60... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): starting listener on port: 8888... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): running virtual machine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing audio buffers... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | virtual machine running... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): starting real-time audio... ^C[chuck]: cleaning up... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): requesting STOP virtual machine... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): detaching all resources... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | (via STK): detaching file handles... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | detaching MIDI devices... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | shutting down KBHitManager... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | shutting down HID... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): shutting down virtual machine... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | unprotecting special objects... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | shutting down real-time audio...
RtApiCore::closeStream(): no open stream to close!
[chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | freeing bbq subsystem... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | freeing shreduler... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | freeing msg/reply/event buffers... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | clearing shreds... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | freeing dumped shreds... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | freeing special ugens... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): shutting down compiler... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | shutting down type checker... etla:/Volumes/Namring/Documents/ChucK$