21 May
21 May
10:39 a.m.
2008/5/21 AlgoMantra
I read the first few pages on Google's Preview that you sent, and it's a bomb. Immediately requested a friend in the US to ship one to me. I guess I'm riding a hunch that the applications of granular synthesis will not be limited to 'music'.
Oh, no, it'll work nicely for sand-paintings or mosaics and.... :¬) BTW, to return to your question on AGF's song; I used to have a mp3of it but it got lost which I'm not that sad about because I have it on vinyl as well. Ah; re-found it, it's on her page; http://www.poemproducer.com/freemusic.php Not the be-all-and-all of grains but it's a cute little song that touches me emotionally which is worth something as well :¬) Cheers, Kas.