On 11/28/06, Atte André Jensen
Would it make sense to add or should the list be cleaned up a bit first?
I have a suspispicion those pages are mainly made for and by the developers and make sense to them...
I agree. I had a blast with hid/joy-fm.ck yesterday, and I'm gonna modify this to fit into my setup for sure + I have 1.000.000 ideas what can be done with a game controller. It becomes clearer to me every day that I'm much more into hardware controllers than live-coding.
I'm very interested in both but right now in comparing them it's quite clear to me I didn't practice with livecoding since the days of the Nintendo Nes...*cough* Maybe this is the future? http://www.goldenshop.com.hk/AI-trad/psx2hard/keybpad.htm Cheers! Kas.