2010/9/3 Robert Poor <rdpoor@gmail.com>
How about 
... where 0 <= n <= 1.0, which will return true with a probability of n.  Even better, just make n an optional arg to maybe(). 

I feel that the downside to that is that the charm of "maybe" comes from it being a single word that will look exactly like "true" or "false" in syntax hilighted code.

it's the apparent "self-evident-ness" of a keyword that's that unusual that creates the appeal to me.

That said; we could also use a library of random functions that generate random values with certain distributions. A lot could be written on the subject of randomness and distributions in electronic music (John Ffitch's article in the CSound Handbook is nice) yet that's a area that hasn't received that much attention in ChucK yet. Of course; unlike keywords a library for random number generators could be written in ChucK itself.
