Quoting David Powers
How much code/difficulty was involved in creating the [chuck~] object?
The only tricky part was the loading into max/msp of a bundled/shared lib that I compiled from the chuck sources (I need to update it to the latest version of chuck soon!). Apple did a good thing in their bundle idea, I just needed to change a few compilation flags. I also added a few additional functions (and renamed "main()" to "chuck-main()" or something like that) to allow me to find the entry points I need to call the chuck engines from max/msp.
Max/msp is WAY out of my price range, but I'd love to have something like that in PD. I don't know if I could convince someone on the PD list to port it though...
Supposedly there are some people working on this -- Marcus Bittencourt at William and Mary had expressed a lot of interest. Not sure what stage those projects are right now, though. brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad