On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Robert Carter
Hi everyone,
I'm running chuck under linux and I want to play sounds using a plastic drum pad USB HID device. Here is an article with the technical details I have assembled so far:
I can read data from the /dev device and this data seems to be giving correct drum hit information. The hardware appears as a HID device but i've been unable to get the chuck joystick functions to use it. I thought perhaps I could use file IO to read blocks from the device and trigger sounds from that, but I can't see how you might achieve this in chuck.
I have found a small C program that reads the usb device and translates this into JACK MIDI signals but this does not seem to be a good match for chuck. Another idea was to modify this program to send OSC messages instead of JACK messages, and feed into chuck that way.
This would be my suggestion. You could extend the C program to use LibLo's lo_send() function whenever an event occurs, and just receive these messages in ChucK. Of course, it's preferable if ChucK can read HID directly, but I have no experience with that. I don't know if anyone else has the same device as you, if it's DIY you might try some generic HID program on Linux to at least make sure it reads as a normal joystick. Steve