
However that's A) rare and B) not a issue with the terminal as such.

No, it is 'sudo'...

Ok. However, sudo is a tool to protect the installation against unauthorised modifications. Wherever this directory is; its normal that all executables are kept in a certain directory and that sudo is needed to mark a file as executable and place it there. Sudo isn't -imho- the right tool to either protect the hardware against damage or support personnel from tricky questions.

If we look here; http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/core-foundation.html

We read;
UNIX power users will feel at home in Darwin, the robust BSD environment that underlies Mac OS X and is accessible from the Terminal application. All of the common UNIX utilities, command shells, and scripting languages are included in Mac OS X, including Perl, PHP, tcl, Ruby, and Python. And Mac OS X provides a set of optimized libraries, making it easy to port your existing UNIX code.

To me that sounds at odds with claiming that Edward here can't install ChucK without voiding his warranty. Yes; sudo could damage stuff, but then so can cars, claw-hammers and kitchen-knives. That doesn't meant we should abstain from driving, carpentry and cooking.

Instead I'd suggest that Edward either stick to the installation instructions or look into one of the many books or online tutorials about the bash terminal; there are even quite a few aimed specifically about bash in a OSX context.
