altern wrote:
joerg piringer wrote:
altern wrote:
thor wrote:
right now in order to solve the problem of translating my patch i think maybe the easiest solution would be to use the pd GUI i already have to control chuck with OSC. Hey Enrike
You might consider using the SwingOSC
- an OSC GUI server, originally made for SuperCollider, but I can't see any reason not to use it with ChucK.
(there are some PD (i.e. using SwingOSC with PD) examples in the distribution)
- This way you could even build one GUI and choose which soundengine to use or use many at the same time (ChucK, PD, SC, : ) of course. i forgot about this. I guess i could as well use wxpython with osc, maybe not that difficult for simple stuff like this. and there's OSCSurface: http://joerg.piringer.net/index.php?href=software/oscsurface.xml&mtitle=software i was thinking about translating it into wxPython, but i am not sure if i'll have the time to do it.
yes i remember this, but i am working on linux at the moment. Just wondering, how difficult would it be to create a ChucK wrap around a scaled down version of wxWidgets? just wrapping the widgets that are more likely to be used on a music project (sliders, buttons, some graphics to display waves...). A bit like what maui_gui is doing but as a module for the language without depending on the editor.
that would be great indeed! but as spencer points out concurrency could be the biggest problem. generally i would like to have the possibility to write externals as in PD. no need to alter the ChucK-code, just write a dynamic link library. i could think of many marvelous things to add this way: video rendering, UGens, text to speech, wiimote controller input, etc. best joerg -- http://joerg.piringer.net http://www.transacoustic-research.com http://www.iftaf.org http://www.vegetableorchestra.org/