On 30/08/12 14:27, Robin Haberkorn wrote:
... The point is that you will need that code in virtually every Chubgraph implementation so it should be the default. As a workaround I will define some ChubgraphStd class I will use as a base class for new Chubgraphs. ...
Which leads me to another bug: class ChubgraphStd extends Chubgraph { fun float gain(float g) { return g => outlet.gain; } fun float gain() { return outlet.gain(); } fun float last() { return outlet.last(); } } ChubgraphStd c; 1 => (c $ UGen).gain; setting the gain of a UGen casted to UGen usually works, I use it in situations like that: UGen @gens[3]; new SinOsc @=> gens[0]; //... 10 => gens[i].gain; but above example segfaults. It doesn't for a direct "Chubgraph"-instance. So I guess it is a bug in ChucK's class system. I have a bunch of test cases to segfault ChucK. Would be happy to post them to a bug tracker of some sort...