I didn't expect it to fix it that quickly, so sorry for the double-post. Here's what I did. This is my new eternal loop: while( true ) { // wait on midi event min => now; // get the midimsg while( min.recv( msg ) ) { // catch only noteon //if( msg.data1 != 144 ) // continue; // check velocity if( msg.data1 == 144 ) // THIS IS WHAT I CHANGED, from msg.data3 > 0 to data1 == 144. { // store midi note number msg.data2 => on.note; // store velocity msg.data3 => on.velocity; // signal the event on.signal(); // yield without advancing time to allow shred to run me.yield(); } else if( msg.data1 == 128 ) // ALSO THIS, from else to what it is now. This is to handle noteoffs which are all coming as [128 key 64] messages. I think I understand events now. { if( us[msg.data2] != null ) us[msg.data2].signal(); } } } Curious to know, has anyone else had problems with the polyphony examples? Although my keyboard seems to act in the expected way with Max/MSP (using midinote and poly~) ChucK will not see that. What's the deal exactly? -Andrew