On 8/29/07, Adam Tindale
Hi All,
Hi, Adam, good to hear from you again! I have been silent for a long while. I am always happy to proofread and
hack stuff into the manual and make the commits (as long as Ge doesn't kick me off CVS). Like Ge, I just got a teaching gig and I am a bit swamped being new at all this.
Congratulations. I have pleaded in the past for other people to submit tutorials or find
mistakes in the manual and pass them on to me and the whole ChucK team. It now seems that there are so many experts that this dream is coming true. Most of what I did for the manual was to edit the original APIs into some semi readable form. A lot of that work was done by Ge and Phil and I just merely put it into LaTeX.
You still did a very good job and having a manual at all was a big improvement. before the manual I had to manually save all usefull web-pages because I also wanted to ChucK when away from the web. There have been many people talking on the list about knowing how
something works and not seeing it in the manual. If you do know and it isn't there, just write something up and tell me where you would like it be. The hardest part for me is starting something. If you get it started then the rest isn't so bad.
I haven't worked on the manual in a long time and I am seeing that it is badly out of date. I will do my best to devote some time to it in the coming months (I am hoping to teach ChucK, so a good manual helps me too).
If you have something you would like added to the official docs please send it along to me directly or via the list and I will be happy to add it.
I believe the last larger update was by Spencer. Generally I think centralising the notes about the manual would be a good idea. This would create a spot that would be the first to look if something seems missing, we could colaborate on documenting exactly what is missing or wrong and it would make it easier for different people to work on it. Basically I think the WiKi is perfect for this. However, I have some problems with how the WiKi works. I've been adding notes on the manual and bugs that I found or that new users on the forum ran into there and many of those got solved but once they do they stay on the WiKi. It's my opinion that things would get much clearer, clearer and more usable if we'd delete solved issues from there or at least move them to a "solved issues" section. Right now it's usable to the in-crowd of ChucK users but probably hard to decypher for new users and I shudder to think what the "bugs" page looks like to somebody considdering to jump in, there's a frightfull amount of terrible bugs there, nearly all of which have been long solved. If we keep the current policies up I imagine it will be completely unusable to anyone in a year or two. I've pointed this out before and also pointed out that I would be happy to clean this a little but I'm not going to delete/move that much stuff without a official go-ahead, I'm still a guest there, I feel, and guests shouldn't start throwing out the trash without some discussion. Anyway, I would be happy to have a look at what areas are seen as the most urgent by new users (MIDI always leads to questions, in my experience) and try to do a section on some of those. Another, much lager, matter is that it seems that some people expect that it's a good idea to start ChucKing by reading the manual front to cover. Now we have a lot of experts on teaching here that know a lot more then I do but to me that doesn't sound like a particularly practical idea or that ChucKian. perhaps most usfull would be a good "how to read this manual/ what would be a good place to start/ introduction" section, preferably on the topic of creating a little techno while having fun and not on how to create a sinewawave after a week of deep meditation on cpu architecture Kas.