Adam; I don't think there is a need for all contributors to have to deal with formatting of text. Something like very early html with headers, paragraph breaks, a tag to indicate code and perhaps a few more things (but no fonts and no colours) should do. That way a single designer (who need not be a editor on the content level) could set appropriate fonts and related settings for the whole thing in one swoop. Coherency is important here. I see little benefit in letting everybody set their own font and think this would make for a fatiguing read. Some people are very good at this and most others don't really enjoy it so to me that seems like a easy choice. Similarly, we'll need a standard for naming and indentation. theExamples() { useThis(); } ..so let's stick to that, but let's formalise it as that will save time later. Ge's Thesis uses syntax highlighting for the code, while the manual doesn't. I find the code in the thesis more easy on the eye. I think the thesis follows the mini in highlighting, but it also seems to me that the mini's highlighting is yet incomplete. Ge's thesis, as a file, is also much larger than the current manual, btw, it's larger than the whole ChucK distribution. Just some points of view. Kas.