Since I do a lot of OO-ish stuff in ChucK and tend to reuse my standard classes a lot, the lack of an import mechanism or preprocessor was getting on my nerves. I hacked up a (not-entirely-so-) quick one last night in Perl. The only preprocessor command supported at this point is "include". The syntax is: #include(Something.ck) or, to make things prettier: #include(Something) It will automatically search the current working directory, check to see if appending a ".ck" helps, and then do the same for every directory in the colon separated $CHUCK_DIRS. Extra credit is that it: - Checks to avoid double includes, recursive includes, etc. - Automatically passes all non-file arguments on to ChucK - Translates error messages back to the original files (rather than the temp file that ChucK actually executes; this was a pain since ChucK uses stderr for output and errors) So, let's play with it a little. I've attached a couple of small files to be put in ~/ChucK. I've got upchuck in ~/bin, which is in my path. Then from the shell: export CHUCK_DIRS=~/ChucK upchuck Quux "Foo" : (string) "Bar" : (string) "Baz" : (string) This won't work on Windows, but I suspect the only thing that needs to be reimplemented is the tempName subroutine (which you could just write in Perl in about 2 minutes -- I just don't know what the standard temp dir is on Windows). -Scott #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use IPC::Open3; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use File::Basename; ################################################################################ # addOutputLine ################################################################################ our @lineMap; our @fileMap; sub addOutputLine { my $file = shift(@_); my $line = shift(@_); push(@lineMap, $line); push(@fileMap, $file); } ################################################################################ # tempName ################################################################################ sub tempName { my $temp = `mktemp -t chuck.XXXXX`; chomp($temp); return $temp; } ################################################################################ # findFile ################################################################################ sub findFile { my $file = shift(@_); (-e $file) && return $file; (-e "$file.ck") && return "$file.ck"; my @dirs = split(":", $ENV{"CHUCK_DIRS"}); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { (-e "$dir/$file") && return "$dir/$file"; (-e "$dir/$file.ck") && return "$dir/$file.ck"; } return ""; } ################################################################################ # include ################################################################################ sub include { our %includes; my $file = shift(@_); my $found = findFile($file); if(length($found) == 0) { die "Could not include \"$file\""; } $file = $found; if(++$includes{$file} > 1) { return ""; } my $output; open(INCLUDE, $file); my @lines = <INCLUDE>; close(INCLUDE); my $count = 1; foreach my $line (@lines) { $output .= &preprocessor($line); addOutputLine($file, $count++); } return $output . "\n"; } ################################################################################ # preprocessor ################################################################################ sub preprocessor { my $input = shift(@_); if($input !~ /^\s*#/) { return $input; } chomp($input); my $command = $input; my $argument = $input; $command =~ s/^\s*#(\w+).*/$1/; $argument =~ s/.*\((.+)\).*/$1/; if($command =~ /include/i) { return include($argument); } die "Unhandled preprocess command, \"$input\""; } ################################################################################ # errorAdjuster ################################################################################ sub errorAdjustor { my $temp = shift(@_); my $error = shift(@_); if($error =~ /^\[$temp\]:line/) { chomp($error); my $lineNumber = $error; $lineNumber =~ s/\[$temp\]:line\(([0-9]+)\).*/$1/; $error =~ s/$temp/$fileMap[$lineNumber - 1]/; $error =~ s/line\($lineNumber\)/line($lineMap[$lineNumber - 1])/; return "$error\n"; } return $error; } ################################################################################ # main ################################################################################ my $temp = tempName(); open(OUTPUT, ">$temp"); my $command = "chuck"; while(my $arg = shift(@ARGV)) { if(!findFile($arg)) { $command .= " $arg"; } else { print OUTPUT include($arg); } } close(OUTPUT); $command .= " $temp"; if(fork() == 0) { sleep(1); unlink($temp); } else { local(*WRITE, *READ, *ERROR); my $pid = open3(\*WRITE, \*READ, \*ERROR, $command); if(fork() == 0) { my $file = basename($temp); while(my $line = <ERROR>) { print errorAdjustor($file, $line); } } else { while(my $line = <READ>) { print $line; } } waitpid($pid, 0); wait(); } wait(); #include(Foo) <<< "Bar" >>>; #include(Foo) #include(Bar) #include(Baz) #include(Bar) <<< "Baz" >>>; <<< "Foo" >>>;