What? Ritchie Hawtin doesn't use ChucK?!
Why weren't we told about this sooner?
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:08 PM, Kassen
I hope this guy (or gall) writes more on this subject, (s)he seems quite insightfull to me. Personally I've been "wanking my stick" while fantasising about music quite a lot, I even got to write a small text about it; http://leonardo.info/lmj/lmj18contribnotes.html (scroll down or search for my name). It's great! I wouldn't have it any other way. typically in the spur of the moment I don't love it, that comes with time or trusting in feedback but I don't see a problem with that, that seems borderline universal in artists.
Well, la-di-da, Mr "I've contributed to a well respected journal". Bet you went to university, too. Your sort make me sick. ;-) Seriously, though; this guy writes 'music AI' software and then resents it when people think that implies he might be interested in other experimental computer music programmes... well, I guess for his purposes it's good that his software revolves around a particular networking protocol... ChucK seems more concerned with time, which many of us find useful, but that must be because we've lost track of what music is about...