OOPS, found an old post that fixes the problem. sndbuf only outputs mono data, even though sndbuf.channels has value 2. Very strange, but the following does work. Now if sndbuf could read .mp3 files, that would be cool! In the ugen reference it says that sndbuf can support multiple formats, but no mention of exactly what it supports. No info on the wiki either. Does anyone know where to find more documentation / info? Thanx again. -- Rich // sound file string filename; "music.wav" => filename; if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => filename; // the patch SndBuf left, right; // load the file filename => left.read; filename => right.read; 0 => left.channel; 1 => right.channel; left => dac.left; right => dac.right; // time loop while( true ) { 100::ms => now; }