One of my laptops is running Windows 7-64 bits. I'll check tonight and send you my comments.



> Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 04:36:46 -0700
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: [chuck-users] (chimera) [part 1]: 64-bit chuck
> Dear all,
> chuck- (chimera) is available:
> ChucK is, at last, 64-bit compatible.
> Lack of native 64-bit support has been a long standing issue with ChucK,
> and many people in our community over the last few years have contributed
> to making this happen. They include Kassen for his ever helpful voice of
> reason, Paul Brossier (who did a 64-bit port of ChucK to ubuntu, a
> port that this release is largely based upon), Stephen Sinclair, who also
> provided a comprehensive and well-executed 64-bit port, and more recently
> Robin Haberkorn, who has jumped into the ChucKian development fire, as
> well as Michael Wilson -- your initiative and insights have definitely
> helped to make this happen. There have been many helpful discussions on
> chuck-users and chuck-dev, at CCRMA, as well as much encouragement and
> support from friends and colleagues like Fernando Lopez-Lezcano. ... Of
> course, had we/I architected the VM instructions to not make integer,
> float, and pointer size assumptions in the first place in 2006 with ChucK
> 1.2, it would have made things quite a bit easier for everyone. Yeah...
> Oops.
> This is the very first release of ChucK that natively support 64-bit as
> well as 32-bit. There are a few additional features (and likely a few
> new, uh, "features"). I imagine a few hot-fixin' rapid incremental
> releases might be needed. We have tried to test this thoroughly, in
> particular on Linux and Mac OS X, and less so on windows. To be totally
> honest, we have not been able to even test compilation for 64-bit on
> windows - if someone out there with access to 64-bit windows (XP or
> Windows7) who can give this a shot, that would be much appreciated! In
> general, users of all supported systems, please let us know if/how well
> this works for you!
> Part 2 -- on the way!
> Not unlike the final installment of the Harry Potter movies, or perhaps
> the video game ->Final<- Fantasy XIII (there is a FF XIII-2 and what is
> effectively FF XIII-3 was just announced), this release will take
> place in multiple parts, mostly because Spencer is traveling to ICMC in
> Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he will present our paper on Chugins, Chugens,
> and Chubgraphs. Also, there is a little bit more work to do for 64-bit
> miniAudicle, so that's going to come in CK, part 2, and probably
> from Slovenia (it seems only fitting to release ChucK from the
> international computer music conference). Also, our dear friend Graham
> Coleman has asked about a chuck-1.3 version of (gasp) Audicle, so there
> might be a, part 2, b.
> As usual, please see the release notes at the end of this email. Thanks
> and Happy ChucKin, UpChucKin, Chugin'! gg!! ChucK on!!
> Best,
> Spencer + Ge, on behalf of entire chuck team
> ---
> - (added) 64-bit support for all platforms (OS X, Linux, Windows)
> many thanks to Paul Brossier, Stephen Sinclair,
> Robin Haberkorn, Michael Wilson, Kassen, and
> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, and all of chuck-users!
> - (added) Math.random(), random2(), randomf(), random2f(), srandom(),
> and Math.RANDOM_MAX; NOTE: randomf() returns range 0.0 to 1.0
> these use the much better random() stdlib functions
> the existing Std.rand*() and Std.srand() is still
> be available for compatibility (these to be deprecated
> in the future; please start using Math.random*())
> * (NOTE: on windows, Math.random() still uses the same
> generator as Std.rand() -- we hope to improve this in
> a future version!)
> * (NOTE: also see removed below)
> - (added) chuck --version | chuck --about now print architecture
> (32-bit or 64-bit)
> - (added) Machine.intsize() will return int width in bits
> (e.g., 32 or 64)
> - (added) examples/array/ to verify mixed-index
> fix (see below), based on Robin Haberkorn's test code
> - (fixed) multi-dimensional arrays now correctly support mix-typed
> indices (e.g., strings & ints) (thanks Robin Haberkorn)
> - (fixed) constants in Math library now cleaner, they include:
> * Math.PI
> * Math.TWO_PI
> * Math.e or Math.E
> * Math.i or Math.I or Math.j or Math.J // as 'complex' type
> * Math.INT_MAX // currently, differs on 32-bit and 64-bit
> * Math.FLOAT_MAX
> * Math.FLOAT_MIN_MAG // minimum positive float value
> - (fixed) Chubgraph.gain(), .last(), and .op()
> - (fixed) error message printing system for variable arguments
> - (fixed) StifKarp.sustain now works properly
> - (fixed) all examples now use Math.random*() instead of Std.rand*()
> - (removed) Math.rand*() removed --> please use Math.random*();
> (see 'added' above; Std.rand*() still there, but to be
> deprecated; please use Math.random*() moving forward)
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