Tom, That was just what I was looking for, thank you! Somehow I missed that even though it's documented in the UGens. And I found your page quite interesting... you have some cool projects. -Matt
From: Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:31:15 -0400 To: Subject: Re: [chuck-users] Reading sample's value
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Matt Bard
wrote: Is there a way that I can read individual sample's values? Does ChucK have some method of giving me those as floats/ints? I'd like to monitor each sample's current value to create a Schmitt Trigger, for example.
You can use last() to get the last sample any UGen produced.
SinOsc s => dac; repeat(50) { samp => now; <<< s.last() >>>; }
-- Tom Lieber _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list