On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 12:28 AM, Kassen
Hi, list!
I'm having a bit of a problem with the wrench and guiro presets of Shakers; they won't rattle nicely. That is; they do for the first .noteOn() after the preset was set but after that the following noteOn's merely make them click. I tried all parameters in lots of permutations, I also tried to understand the source (which has lots of exceptions for these two) but it's beyond me and some of the comments look scary ;¬).
I'm suspecting this isn't proper behaviour; sometimes messing with the .energy() parameter will get them to make some sort of noise but no nice rattles.
Could somebody please comment on this?
hm, I think with the STK demo you had to keep moving the energy slider in the GUI to get the "rattle" to continue. have you tried sending a sort of ramp to the energe parameter? Basically I think as long as the energy value keeps changing the rattle will continue. Shakers s => dac; Phasor lfo => blackhole; 100 => lfo.freq; 10 => s.preset; s.noteOn(1); now + 3::second => time end; while (now < end) { lfo.last()/10+0.5 => s.energy; 1::ms => now; } As I've just discovered you can get some cool effects by using different frequencies and waveforms for the LFO. Steve