Hi all, I am testing how ADSR UGen works and I am still not sure what do parameters to (time)members (attackTime, decayTime, etc) mean. Are they automatically casted to seconds? For instance: ADSR env; env.attackTime( .1 ); Does this mean that attackTime is 100::ms? I have tried to understand how ADSR works with the following patch: sinosc s => ADSR env => dac; env.attackTime( .01 ); env.releaseTime( 1 ); env.decayTime( 0 ); 1=>env.keyOn; <<< "begin note_on", env.state(), now/ms>>>; while( !env.state() ) { 1::samp=>now; if( env.state() ) <<< "end_of_attack", env.state(), now/ms>>>; } 1=>env.keyOff; <<< "begin note_off", env.state(), now/ms>>>; while( env.state() == 1 ) { 1::samp=>now; } <<< "end_of_decay", env.state(), now/ms>>>; while( env.state() == 2 ) { 1::samp=>now; } <<< "end_of_sustain", env.state(), now/ms>>>; while( env.state() == 3 ) { 1::samp=>now; } <<< "end_of_release", env.state(), now/ms>>>; while( env.state() != 4 ) { 1::samp=>now; } <<< "done.", env.state(), now/ms>>>; which ouput is the following: begin note_on 0 0.000000 end_of_attack 1 10.000000 begin note_off 3 10.000000 end_of_decay 3 10.000000 end_of_sustain 3 10.000000 end_of_release 4 2010.000000 done. 4 2010.000000 This would bean that attack lasts for 10::ms as env.attackTime() was set to .01. But then I don't understand why release ends at 2010::ms as releaseTime() is set to 1. Note that decayTime is set to zero and there is no sustain, as you can see from the output. Can anybody give me a hand on how to interpret the parameters to ADSR members? Thanks, eduard