Memorandum To: All ChucKists From: Inventor Re: HSTechSpy ChucK Game Greetings fellow ChucKists. You will be pleased to learn that I have endeavored to create one more way to waste your time on ChucKian adventures. I have developed a new game (last year actually) and recently added a healthy dose of ChucK content to it. In the game you are a Hardware / Software Tech Spy and you receive various Mission Briefings which you may or may not chose to perform. So far the first five missions have been software only and primarily based on the Perl programming language, but now I have added a 6th mission which is hardware based and involves a little ChucKing around. Rather than blog on endlessly as I often do in forum and list posts, I'll just give you the link and invite to explore the page: http://www.freedomodds.com/hstechspy/ If you visit, be sure to scroll down and check out Mission 6: USB Hardware Interface, which is the latest and most interesting ChucK mission. HSTechSpy is fun, it's silly, it's educational, and it's a great way to waste some time so stop on by and give it a read. Forever creating useless ways to spend your time with ChucK, I welcome you to join me on the neverending journey to nowhere. Enjoy. Les (Inventor)