On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 21:29, Rich Caloggero
... One of the inherent problems with speech, and this one-finger braille concept, is that the image is not static; it is essentially moving in time and requires you to build up a static image in your mind. Think of how difficult it would be to lood at a page of code through a straw...
Uh, ten fingertip sized mice? <smile> Actually, why not? It would be an worthwhile engineering challenge to get the spatial / temporal fidelity high enough that you forget that they're there. Just as long as they wouldn't stop you from typing or doing other useful things with your hands. I had a blind friend who was a master audio engineer, and wanted me to build him a V.U. meter that he'd strap on his arm. I would have done it, except he really wanted electrical shocks rather than physical actuators. In retrospect, it probably just needed a constant current high-voltage supply, but I didn't have the nerve...