Hello, guys, I am trying to choose which UGen to load (SinOsc, TriOsc or SawOsc) based on a given condition. This sample code fun void playForPixels(int totalpixels, string osc) { if ( osc == "sin" ) { SinOsc sh; } else { if ( osc == "tri" ) { TriOsc sh; } else { SawOsc sh; } } Envelope e => Gain g => dac; ( ( s + v) * 100 )::ms => dur dura; s * v => g.gain; ( dura / 40 ) / second => e.time; h * 2000 => sh.freq; sh => e; (code goes on...) gives me the following error: [listener.ck]:line(38): undefined variable/member 'sh' in class/namespace 'Pixel'... [listener.ck]: ...in function 'playForPixels' (i am working inside a class named 'Pixel', in case it is important). How can I load my UGen and make it persist outside the scope of the if clause? Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor -- Faculdades Est Mestre e Doutorando em Composição pela Universidade Federal da Bahia