On 17/03/2007, at 7.15, martin robinson wrote:
Yes it clears, but I don't have much luck. The below script of cause work, and makes Pd play a 300Hz sine wave via ChuCK. If i uncomment the two comments and in stead comment out the '300 => s.freq;' line, it don't make any sound. If i instead only uncomment the first line, there is still no sound, hence it might have to to with the Pd UGen?
Wow! It looks like I forgot another line when porting to the latest ChucK release. In any case it should work now:
Thanks. That did the trick for using variable parameters from Pd. Is there defined way shreds are names when added as [add chuckfile.ck ( such that it can be replaced by another later on? When one start up Pd with chuck~, and then send [replace shred_one test1.ck( then it plays it. Then one can send [replace shred_one test2.ck( and it playes that instead. And one can keep toggling between those. But if test1.ck for example is a finite script, ie one that runs for a certain time period. When it ends, then one can't, it seams, replace shred_one with anything till a restart of Pd (ie a reload of chuck~). Best, Steffen