Quoting Steffen
How does one use the input vars in a chuck script? The pd_io.ck file didn't help me much. Maybe i'm thick. But i just wanted to control the frequency of a sine oscillator, but no luck with:
Pd io; SinOsc s => dac; io.get("abc") => s.freq; 2::second => now;
This is the same plea I was having for max/msp [chuck~]-- I would really like it if there was some way of writing a polling or notifying ugen that would allow dynamic 'external' entry for a parsed and executing chuck~ script. I don't think that the OSC or other net models currently in chuck will work, because they assume that the script is in process of being evaluated. The chuck~ objects parse the script and then call the chuck VM to run it -- at that point it seems that the initial values in the script are fixed, but maybe I'm missing something? brad http://music.columbia.edu/~brad