
Sure, but this is a common thing to deal with in audio languages.

I can imagine! talking about "talking" is inherently hard.

calls it "logical time" and "real time", which I think is the correct

Sounds quite sensible to me.

So as for the code I posted in the forum, with a way of determining
'real' now I could have done,

// one million sqrts
0 => float answer;
for (1=>int i; i<=1000000; i++) {
 answer+sqrt(i) => answer;
 if ((realnow - now) > 3::ms) 3::ms => now;

Btw, is this actually what you were asking or am I way off?

No, that seems about right, in fact I'd say "realnow => now" ought to do, even. That just leaves the question of where we'd get a "realnow". If we'd get a "realnow" as a proper language abstraction that would deal with a lot though I'd say "realnow" for the HD may not be the same as for the CPU.

To put it in other words; ChucK lets us deal with a VM which is very pleasant as the VM is much simpler then a actual computer but the limits of the host computer may be relevant for what we'd like to tell the VM.
