2009/12/5 dan trueman <dtrueman@princeton.edu>
i'd be happy to write some on LiSa, but i'd also love some help, especially from you; i clearly only use and understand a fraction of what LiSa is useful for!


I do still have a skeleton for a LiSa-based convolution reverb lying around somewhere. I seem to remember it's something like 25 lines (I scary stuff). I'd like to also do a flanger and iir lowpass filter (I'm fairly certain both can be done)...

There are two downsides to that though; I think that when taken to the extreme people will wonder what the rest of ChucK is good for and I also think that the manual should be accessible, not a leading cause for insanity in computer musicians.

Mostly kidding. Ok, I do think that such examples could be useful in that creative LiSa-usage does potentially cover a lot of important aspects of more serious DSP without breaking the cpu-bank like a .last() to a sporked shred to a Step would. I also think that so far the docs and examples haven't yet covered how we can do that sort of thing in ways that would cause some serious issues for SC or Max. We're paying for not block-precessing (with purring cpu-fans) so we should probably show what that's actually good for.
