Hi Ge,
On 9/4/05, Ge Wang
This looks like a file-loading problem, and not a OTF problem (though there is one that I mentioned earlier). This mostly happens under linux, using the pre-configured libsndfile. I remember your post about doing this on FC3. If this error happens, that means the pre-configured libsndfile is not compatible and that you should install libsndfile and then recompile with the default makefile (which uses libsndfile in linux):
Sorry about this run-around! We hope to fix this soon.
I have downloaded, configured, compiled, and installed libsndfile from the site mentioned. I recompiled ChucK from a fresh archive and now the OTF stuff seems to work. Being still a bit early I didn't yet test it extensively. I DID get output w/ the first OTF example file using the instructions therein in two tabbed terminal windows with 'chuck --loop' in the first and 'chuck + otf_01.ck' in the other. I refrained from doing the libsndfile install at first because I already had it loaded via RPM. Now on my OTHER box, which isn't up at the moment using FC4 i seemed to experience problems with ChucK finding the libsound library. I'll look at it later today and report back to you what I found. Thanks. ciao, furlan -- Home: http://flprim.us/index.html "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." -- Dorothy Parker