experiencing that UB version (i don't know why but) works on osx10.3.9 i now understand that chuck is really what i wanted(RT-dsp@command-line) so wanted to go more CUI(VT) oriented and moved to linuxes on other volumes slackintosh was the only one i had to make(linux-alsa) by myself others got there by each apt oriented ways these are maybe cuz i didn't run jackd things before running chuck(is it?) but the result of each chuck moe.ck became as followings chuck on slack is alsa version but i don't know how the bin of debian&ubuntu got compiled (oh unstable is saying something related to jack..) any suggestions? tia slackintosh12.0: [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for given stream parameters: ... RtApiAlsa: error setting sample rate (48000) on device (hw:Snapper,0): Invalid argument. [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) debian-ppc-stable: [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for compiled audio APIs! [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) debian-ppc-unstable: JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm] [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for compiled audio APIs! [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) ubuntu-ppc-7.04: [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for compiled audio APIs! [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) -- 2g http://micro.ispretty.com