
Very cool,
This is why I wish ChucK either had an Array UGen or if normal ChucK
arrays could be treated like UGens somehow.  Coming from other
languages (Pd, Csound for example) one becomes very used to arrays (or
ftables) being part of the signal chain.   Using LiSa as a workaround
is pretty rad.

I think we could say that we *do* have arrays as UGens, if we would want to argue that. Both SndBuf and LiSa are really just arrays as UGens... What we lack is arrays as UGens for control data and for audio treatment.

This may have to do with other languages having a "K-rate" and often even UGens at that rate. Arguably we have the best implementation of control-rate around, it's so good that we could port any and all of those things to ChucK code. It might be because of that that we lack such UGens, this is a good trade from one point of view but clearly it's often not convenient.

The GenX UGens go in this direction but they aren't that great for waveshaping and not for treatments like this one.

 The ChucK wish-list keeps growing.

It does. "Borrowing" ftable doesn't seem like a half bad idea and bit-crushing is so popular in modern music as well as useful in explaining the limits of digital sound that I could see a use for a specialised UGen for that as well.
