Several problems I've noticed recording from command-line chuck (win32): 1. All the UGens in my chucKestra are connected to pan2 objects, then the dac, but the recording comes out mono (standard Is this due to the way stereo and mono ugens connect together? Is there some way I can get the stereo recording from the console? 2. I often get digital clipping on a few samples in a several minute piece. It seems like a job for some dynamics or soft clipping at the end of the chain, right? Is there something I can use? I guess I could try writing a sample-level limiter in ChucK. (One reason this may be happening is that the center or DC of the waveform seems to drift up and down towards the edges without being too loud, lately I've been using lots of FMVoices with reverb. This seems different from what a recorded sound would do) best, Graham