Hello all, I wrote this test this morning, and something seems amiss here with timing. Or am I understanding this wrong? /* The following code doesn't seem to work properly, as there appears to be a 2 sample delay from when the impulse is triggered from what is expected. as the 'doit' function is started at time 0.0, I would think that each and every impulse would be generated at 100::ms intervals, starting at 0.0, and not 2.0 The code generates the output below... */ impulse i => blackhole; fun void doit() { while(true) { 1.0 => i.next; 100::ms => now; } } now + 1::second => time later; spork ~ doit(); while(now < later) { i.last() => float val; if (val != 0.0) { <<< now, i.last() >>>; } 1::samp => now; } /* 2.000000 1.000000 4412.000000 1.000000 8822.000000 1.000000 13232.000000 1.000000 17642.000000 1.000000 22052.000000 1.000000 26462.000000 1.000000 30872.000000 1.000000 35282.000000 1.000000 39692.000000 1.000000 */ Thanks, Mike