came up with the idea to turn my podcast http://www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp/buyobuyo/micro/rss.xml "chuck is in dub"(learning chuck} oriented did chuck isthisokay.ck maybe.ck rec.ck and it became [rec.ck]:line(7): class 'Shred' has no member 'getArg' chuck isthisokay.ck maybe.ck rec-auto.ck is okay but mono(might be as-is) is there a better example that i write stereo .wav to my hdd? i also wonder where i do 1 => w.record; 0 => w.record; oh! in the .ck file? this is what i have as isthisokay.ck and maybe.ck is something similar SinOsc s1 => Gain g1 => dac; SinOsc s2 => g1; SinOsc s3 => PRCRev g3 => dac.left; SinOsc s4 => PRCRev g4 => dac.right; .25 => g1.gain; .25 => g3.gain; .25 => g4.gain; while( true ) { Std.rand2(32, 64) * 55.0 / 32.0 => s1.freq; 5322::ms => now; s1.freq() * Std.rand2(8, 16) / 4.0 => s2.freq; s2.freq() * Std.rand2(16, 32) / 16.0 => s3.freq; s2.freq() * Std.rand2(16, 32) / 16.0 => s4.freq; 222::ms => now; } -- 2g http://micro.ispretty.com