Hi folks, At the risk of being slightly off-topic, I wanted to write to the community to say that I'm taking a class right now on interactive sound at ITP (itp.nyu.edu) and I will be trying to do as many of the exercises as I can using Chuck. There is a strong Max/MSP contingent here and it seems not that many people had heard of or used Chuck much--this surprised me. I would really like to introduce this crowd to Chuck; one, because this group is a very pioneering in the field of interactive media and, two, because I'm very much a believer in Chuck and it's paradigm. Part of the class requirements is going to be keep an audio sketchbook and there will be an associated website for each of the students. Once it's set up, I will send out the link so that the community (especially newbies like me) can benefit from some vaguely structured example set. The agenda for the class is generally an introduction to electronic sound (historically and conceptually). I hope to lay some groundwork both for further adoption as a platform here at ITP as well as some resource building for the Chuck community. I hope it pans out. (As an after-thought, it occurs to me that I may have classmates out there on this list. Speak up!) Cheers, Michael
participants (1)
mike clemow