Hello all, The new keyboard input is great but getting the arrow and F1-F10 and so on keys to work is kinda tricky, I found. I cooked up a sorta kinda maybe solution to this that I thought might be useful to others as well. See below. use the up and down keys to increase or decrease "bla", then print bla's current value. This won't win any beauty contests but it does work. I'm not at all sure why it needs two temporary variables but I can't get it to work without them. If I don't use temporary variables it seems that I can only use one test on kb.getchar() before it disappears(??) and one test isn't enough for anything beyond the most simple of triggers. The same method could be used to get function keys to work. I hope this is of use to some. This works on my IBM- compatible laptop running XP, no refunds if it turns out Mac's use some entirely different way of reading the keyboard; I have no idea how those work. If it's found useful I could add it to the Wiki? Yours, Kas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // the keyboard input KBHit kb; //some setting that's of great importance somewhere int bla; // time-loop while( true ) { // wait on kbhit event kb => now; // potentially more than 1 key at a time while( kb.more() ) { //store number to avoid it getting lost after one check kb.getchar() => int K; //arrow keys are encoded in two numbers with the first being 224 if (K == 224 ) { //wait for the second number kb => now; //the same "anti number disapear" trick kb.getchar() => int L; //do intuitively sensible stuff to "up"... if(L == 72) 1 +=> bla; //........and "down"...... if(L == 80) 1 -=> bla; //...and make the result go somewhere. <<<"bla is", bla>>>; } else { //do something else to normal keys <<<K>>>; } } } -------------------------------------------------
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