Kevin, I really like your "stake header" connector idea. I had in my memory the thought that I had seen something like that before, but did not find it in the DigiKey catalog yet. By the way, here we just call them "headers". Those headers have got to be fairly inexpensive, and their mating connectors should be also. Your idea could also preserve the notion of using 22 ga solid wire to hold the "sculptures" in place. Some of the boards are quite small, with just a potentiometer or just a pair of DC blocking caps, and the larger ones are perhaps two inches by one inch. That's for the thru-hole version, but eventually I'd like to go with surface-mount for a really small footprint. Have a look at the front page of the EChucK website to see my most recent layout: http://www.freedomodds.com/music/echuck/ The board house wanted $159 to make and mill all those little circuit boards, times four. This would mean that my cost (or anyone else's, it's open-source) would be $40 per boardset, so I'd have to sell them for $60 or more and I don't think that's worth it. But with your headers I can fit much more on each panel. Great idea, thanks! Les (Inventor)
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