Hi there. I hope this is the right place to post that ... Some time ago I announced that I was working on a rewrite of ChucK in Python. I started this project because I thought creating a new programming language from scratch was a bad design decision, and ChucK as an approach to audio programming would benefit greatly from piggy-backing on a well established language. After a first proof of concept version written entirely in python, I'm happy to announce that the thing is getting real. The new C++/python version does some actual real-time sound synthesis (audio I/O is based on RtAudio), you can manipulate the Ugen network on the fly from the python interpreter and you can write/execute shreds. Beware that it is pre-alpha - no packaging, almost no testing done, nasty bugs here and there, almost no ugens (only a few oscillators) You can grab the sources and follow the evolution of the project here : https://github.com/tgirod/pyck dependencies : - cmake - boost + boost::python - RtAudio - python 2.7.x - ipython (shreds are causing a segfault on the regular python interpreter but not on iPython, and I don't know why). Right now, pyck has been tested only on my computer (arch linux 32bit). I would gladly receive feedback from you if you are interested in giving it a shot. Happy winter-solstice celebration thing to everyone (trying to be inclusive here) ! Tom
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