Happy New Year!!! I couldn't resist making my own wish-list: 1) Garbage collection or something like a .destroy() method for UGens so we can create UGens in a loop without worrying about memory. 2) A way to write our own UGens without building them in C++ and compiling the source. 3) Namespaces and an import mechanism beyond Machine.add(). 4) Revival of some of the old ChucK shell plans and more shell development, the shell is one of the coolest things about ChucK IMHO. (BTW- shell crashes the Mini for me, I can only use it on the command line) 5) This has been discussed in depth before but I still think some kind of syntax like: SinOsc m => blackhole; SinOsc c => dac; m => Gain g => c.freq; //this line!!! 440.0 => g.gain; ...might be cool, although it is not very "ChucKian". Right now we can use UGen.op to choose if we want AM or FM but I dont think there is a way to have both without explicitly chucking a value within a time loop :( Correct me if I am wrong about this. 5 b.) A Dc UGen to add offset gain would be nice with the above "syntax" for setting center frequency. 6) I could see some kind of anonymous function thing being pretty powerful. ( I like the curly braces {} approach of SC). Thanks All and happy ChucKing in 2010! Kurt ........................................................ http://www.kurtKotheimer.com .......................................................

On 13 Jan 2010, at 20:37, Kurt Kotheimer wrote:
2) A way to write our own UGens without building them in C++ and compiling the source.
I thought of asking if it is possible to set the partials, including inharmonicity, but I gather that it is not. Hans

What about running URLs, like this: chuck http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck Is it already possible? Hans

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Hans Aberg
What about running URLs, like this: chuck http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck Is it already possible?
wget http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck && chuck <file>.ck Not that your version wouldn't be nice. ;) -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://ckvlang.org/

On 14 Jan 2010, at 19:00, Tom Lieber wrote:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Hans Aberg
wrote: What about running URLs, like this: chuck http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck Is it already possible?
wget http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck && chuck <file>.ck
Yes, one can use scripts; I attach one. Just make sure chuckurl is in the PATH, and run chuckurl http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/examples/<file>.ck It uses ftp, which works with http these days.
Not that your version wouldn't be nice. ;)
It is harder to write such scripts that work like chuck admitting URLs. Hans
participants (3)
Hans Aberg
Kurt Kotheimer
Tom Lieber