Hi! I'm having a lot of trouble running Chuck on my Orange Pi Zero. I'm hoping to make a little hardware looper on one of these tiny and cheap single board computers. Does anyone have any success stories for running Chuck on ARM computers? I know the LoopPi2 project uses Raspberry Pi 3, but I'd prefer a single board computer I could use without an external sound card. My Orange Pi Zero effort was tiny and cheap, if it only worked... I don't know what the problem is, because it's quite beefy despite its size, a lot quicker than the original Raspberry Pi and that runs Chuck. Maybe the problem lies in the audio codec, but it seems to play and record files just fine. Here's my original post on electro-music forum: "PostPosted: Yesterday, at 2:00 am Post subject: Anyone running Chuck on Orange Pi? Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Mark this post and the followings unread Hi! I'm trying to copy the functionality of LoopPi2 (https://github.com/szymonkaliski/LoopPI2) on Orange Pi Zero. The advantage of OPi Zero is that it is very inexpensive and has an audio codec built-in, which makes it even less expensive. I have the audio side of things working ok on both the recording side and the playback side, however all Chuck scripts work very slowly. The computer has a 1.2 GHz processor and 512 megabytes of memory, which is not much but today's standards, but you would think it's enough for some audio work. Observations: 1. Setting the rate to 8000 helps some, but it's still choppy. 2. At least looking at 'top', Chuck doesn't ever use more than half of the CPU. There's nothing else on that would use it, I don't even have a graphical UI of any kind. I'm using Armbian Debian Jessie with kernel 3.4.113 because I had some trouble with MIDI on the mainline kernel. I compiled Chuck myself from the 1.4 sources. I don't know if I missed some optimization step. Chuck runs on the original Raspberry Pi, which is a lot less powerful and otherwise quite similar, so I don't understand where the trouble comes from. " Regards, Pietari Seppänen
participants (1)
Pietari Seppänen