Re: [chuck-users] maui/widgets under linux

Better question: why is there no information on the chuck or miniAudicle pages on how to contribute code? I think the best way to get things moving with chuck would be to make it easy for people to help. This means providing instructions on the code repository, possibly providing a patch submission system, having some developer documentation, and having an active maintainer willing to integrate patches and discuss ideas.
I'd like to contribute but I don't know in what kind of format I should write my patches and where I should post them. Some developer friendly pages would indeed be welcome. -Pyry Pakkanen

Fellow ChucKists; To add, For a long time there's been a perfectly functional ASIO patch, maintained informally by Philippe on EM. I've used it for tens of hours, played gigs on it; I think I can vouch for it's stability (it's at least as stable as ChucK can be expected to be *cough* ;¬)). Let's merge that in so some of us can stop begging Philippe for ASIO versions at every update. You can, BTW, get patches in by explaining what it's fixing and sending the code to Ge, that's how the Envelope fix I wrote (with plenty of help from the EM people!) got in there. A bit primitive but it can and does work. Probably a part of the issue is simply a lack of time on the part of the developers... there's only 24::hour in a day, after all. Kas.

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Kassen
Probably a part of the issue is simply a lack of time on the part of the developers... there's only 24::hour in a day, after all.
Yes, absolutely. Being a student myself I understand that very well! I barely have time to do the work I'm supposed to be doing, let alone extra stuff. However that's precisely why it's worth having some infrastructure tools like patch and bug trackers, such as they provide at sourceforge. Also, using better version control tools than CVS can really help speed up merging. Having unit tests can speed up integration of external code as well because you can quickly and easily verify that changes won't break existing features. Steve
participants (3)
Stephen Sinclair