Hi folks, I'd just like to say thanks to all who replied with new material for the show a while back, I was able to obtain and feature some of the works but not all. One of the links didn't work and for some reason I'm having trouble playing works that use samples in a directory residing next to the .ck file, but anyway there was enough new material to keep things interesting last week. If you have any .ck or .mp3 files that you would like me to play on the show, please let me know where to find them, this is an ongoing request. The best thing to do is email them to me (inventor-66@comcast.net) though attaching .ck files to ChucK Users posts works as does posts to the forum or links to your files. I don't seem to have the best luck with cutting and pasting code from websites, and that is time consuming anyway but I'm happy to do it if that's how your work is available. I'm preparing for show number 13 this week, and from here on out I'll be playing some repeats of classic songs and ChucK files from the past as well as playing guitar through some funky ChucK guitar processing programs. If you linked me to some work and didn't hear it on the show, please let me know so I can remedy that situation. Also I'd like to mention the Summer Solstice concert which is a 15 hour event broadcast on both www.electro-music.com and www.stillstream.com as a joint venture. There will be about two dozen artists of all electro-music genres from all around the world and I'll be featuring some ChucK material for half an hour, I believe at 1pm EST (or was it noon, i forget - GMT is so confusing to me). Anyway, you might want to tune in it will be a lot of fun - and consider stopping by the electro-music.com chatroom during the event if you like. Oh, and I talked to ChucK and he said the show is a little weird but he likes it. Hmmm, OK, personifying ChucK is rather strange but I find it humorous. Les (Inventor)
participants (1)
Les Hall