Re: [chuck-users] parab0xx in Wired News

We didn't use ChucK in this one, but you can using OSC! I have used Python, and released the source too. Check out the story, and please feel free to embellish and improve upon the code for your own evil purposes. I'm also happy to look at collaborative opportunities/ideas. The code is at my website (see below).
That is pretty freakin' cool and similar to something I wanted to do myself. Plus in Python... perfect! Will check out the details. -- robin ----- Robin Parmar

hi everyone, i'm trying to get chuck up and running on an EPIA Nano- ITX box running Linux. i'm a total Linux newbie, though i'm reasonably competent with unix. i've got chuck compiling fine, but when i try to run chuck, i get this:
root@bossa:~/chuck_dev/v2# chuck examples/basic/ [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for compiled audio APIs! [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s)
and chuck --probe tells me this:
root@bossa:~/chuck_dev/v2# chuck --probe [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for compiled audio APIs! [chuck]: [chuck]: ------( chuck -- 1 MIDI inputs )------ [chuck]: [0] : "Midi Through Port-0" [chuck]: [chuck]: ------( chuck -- 1 MIDI outputs )----- [chuck]: [0] : "Midi Through Port-0" [chuck]:
i get this with versions of ChucK compiled for both Jack and Alsa. "alsamixer" works and seems to indicate both input and output devices (the board has built in audio I/O). also, supercollider (which uses Jack) seems to be ok. is it possible that there is something simple i need to do with the audio system, like specify a default output or something, for Chuck to find what it needs? thanks! dan
participants (2)
dan trueman