I have seen scattered postings related to wiimotes and ChucK, but nothing definitive. Is anyone out there using wii-remotes or nunchuks as controllers for ChucK? Are there any wikis or recipes for this kind of hack? If not wii, is there some similar game controller (e.g., wireless with motion sensor and buttons) that is more easily adaptable to ChucK? david David Loberg Code School of Music Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 code@wmich.edu

there was some beta integration of the Wii stuff into chuck that Spencer had going, but we've been just using OSC. there are some freeware OSC Wii programs, i believe, and we've just made Max standalones that OSC the Wii stuff to Chuck.. dt On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:31 PM, David Loberg Code wrote:
I have seen scattered postings related to wiimotes and ChucK, but nothing definitive. Is anyone out there using wii-remotes or nunchuks as controllers for ChucK? Are there any wikis or recipes for this kind of hack? If not wii, is there some similar game controller (e.g., wireless with motion sensor and buttons) that is more easily adaptable to ChucK?
David Loberg Code School of Music Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 49008 code@wmich.edu
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

2010/4/6 dan trueman
there was some beta integration of the Wii stuff into chuck that Spencer had going, but we've been just using OSC. there are some freeware OSC Wii programs, i believe, and we've just made Max standalones that OSC the Wii stuff to Chuck..
There is also a Linux tool for doing this here http://www.nescivi.nl/wiiosc/ (free as in freedom) and there is Steim's Junxion ( paid but elaborate ) for OSX http://www.steim.org/steim/junxion_v4.html Not sure about the Windows situation, but there is bound to be something. Personally I suggest instead getting one of the (playstation 2) games in the "RealPlay" series. The games are shovelware but they are cheap and come with wire-less controllers and HID-compliant usb-dongles. These are more accurate than the wiimote, cheaper, and fully Hid compliant so you are good to go immediately on any OS. This also eliminates the issues with Nintendo feeling the Bluetooth standard is a invitation to get creative instead of something to follow. Good luck, Kas.

yeah, i basically hate the Wii. Kas: have you tried multiple of these wireless playstation thingies in close proximity? like, imagine, say, 40 of them hooked up to individual laptops in a room? we managed to get this working with Wii, but it was painful. On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Kassen wrote:
Personally I suggest instead getting one of the (playstation 2) games in the "RealPlay" series. The games are shovelware but they are cheap and come with wire-less controllers and HID-compliant usb-dongles. These are more accurate than the wiimote, cheaper, and fully Hid compliant so you are good to go immediately on any OS. This also eliminates the issues with Nintendo feeling the Bluetooth standard is a invitation to get creative instead of something to follow.

While not wireless, the GameTrak hard to beat as a ChucK controller: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31EYO0CTiRL._SL500_.jpg Think of it as a 6-axis joystick -- dual 3 axis -- where the z axis is derived from pulling a monofilament line that retracts into the base sitting on the floor. As a controller, it's fast and responsive. It's cheap: you can find one for under $9.99 on Amazon and other places. And visually, it's arguably more impressive than a wireless controller. But wait -- there's more! l've written ChucK libraries that filter out single-bit noise, etc, and would be happy to send them along. I needed to solder a jumper wire to put it into USB mode, but I've had zero problems with it since. I use it for all my live ChucK performances, and I'm thinking of buying another one (or two!) as a backup. Ping me for details. - rdp On 2010Apr06, at 10:05, Daniel Trueman wrote:
yeah, i basically hate the Wii.
Kas: have you tried multiple of these wireless playstation thingies in close proximity? like, imagine, say, 40 of them hooked up to individual laptops in a room? we managed to get this working with Wii, but it was painful.
On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Kassen wrote:
Personally I suggest instead getting one of the (playstation 2) games in the "RealPlay" series. The games are shovelware but they are cheap and come with wire-less controllers and HID-compliant usb- dongles. These are more accurate than the wiimote, cheaper, and fully Hid compliant so you are good to go immediately on any OS. This also eliminates the issues with Nintendo feeling the Bluetooth standard is a invitation to get creative instead of something to follow.

On 6 April 2010 19:05, Daniel Trueman
yeah, i basically hate the Wii.
I didn't want to phrase it like that, but yeah :-). I do like what Nintendo bringing this kind of controller under the public eye did culturally, of course, and far be it from me to deny anyone their games. I'd also like to point out that the "balance board" was found to compare quite favourably to some medical measuring tools costing rather a lot more. it didn't keep my attention beyond a evening with appropriate refreshments but I could see that sort of thing bringing something new to the table for inventive performers or installation artists.
Kas: have you tried multiple of these wireless playstation thingies in close proximity? like, imagine, say, 40 of them hooked up to individual laptops in a room? we managed to get this working with Wii, but it was painful.
I did try to use a few of different versions of the RealPlay ones, and that seemed to be fine. I highly doubt they made allowances for that sort of performance though as that would add costs without any real benefits. Very few people need that sort of thing; even I would be hard-pressed to come up with a use for me for that kind of number (never mind financing). Those systems meant for motion-capturing (think animated movies) can accommodate that sort of number of wireless controllers but those connect them all to a single computer. Those are NOT cheap. I believe my friend Marije ( http://www.nescivi.nl ) is working on a system for wireless networked sensors. I think her system might be able to accommodate your sort of need. She was thinking of something like a intelligent swarm of sensors so 40 should be in range. Just contact her with your needs, maybe she could make some tweaks and send you a couple of boards. I can't think of much else. That kind of setup is really quite exotic. Yours, Kas.

Hi David!
2010/4/6 David Loberg Code
I have seen scattered postings related to wiimotes and ChucK, but nothing definitive. Is anyone out there using wii-remotes or nunchuks as controllers for ChucK?
Are there any wikis or recipes for this kind of hack?
Some time ago I modified Graham Coleman's wii interface to ChucK: http://automata.cc/wiki/Main/ChuckWiimote It just work using DarwiinRemoteOSC at MacOS X but I would like to port to GNU/Linux. Any help will be apreciated.
If not wii, is there some similar game controller (e.g., wireless with motion sensor and buttons) that is more easily adaptable to ChucK?
Virtually we can use any device with some glue to communicate using OSC/MIDI. Using Arduino we can create any kind of controller and plug it to ChucK. We can do some experimentation on this. Cheers. -- Vilson Vieira http://vilson.void.cc vilsonv@gmail.com
participants (6)
dan trueman
Daniel Trueman
David Loberg Code
Robert Poor
Vilson Vieira