Hi, My friend woody and I have just got this cool OSC server working. It receives messages from the 3D VR world of Second Life and sends them to another computer's OSC receiver. The purpose of this is to provide a means of 3D VR GUI control of ChucK, pd, and well anything that will work that way. This has the potential to form a bridge between the music software community and the Second Life community, to the benefit of both groups. So we can get it to work with pd but not with ChucK. I basically read, understood, and copied the example snippets from the manual where it talks about OSC in the beginning of it. I also tested that things worked using localhost. So the receiver should receive across the web as well, right? Or does the listen() need a parameter? Anyway, ChucK blocks the port so even pd won't work, but when I quit ChucK pd works (with a restart). So somehow I think ChucK or rather the ChucK program that I wrote, is clogging up the port and listening only on localhost. This should be an easy fix, what is it? Thanks in advance, Les

Les; The purpose of this is to provide a means of 3D VR GUI control of ChucK,
pd, and well anything that will work that way. This has the potential to form a bridge between the music software community and the Second Life community, to the benefit of both groups.
Nice idea! I don't know about your problem, but I just wanted to express my enthusiasm about this. This kind of thing should open the way for new forms of interaction and live performance, etc. It seems that there is something "in the air" there. A short while ago Craig Latte also mentioned working on integrating SL with his system for interactive fiction& livecoding. I have no idea how that would work and my first life is quite enough for me right now but the possibilities are interesting, especially for a scene as geographically scattered as the computer music one. Keep at it, buddy! Yours, Kas.

On Feb 11, 2011, at 5:09 AM, Kassen wrote:
Nice idea! I don't know about your problem, but I just wanted to express my enthusiasm about this. This kind of thing should open the way for new forms of interaction and live performance, etc.
Keep at it, buddy!
Yours, Kas.
Thanks Kas! Yes, the potential is great here. Second Life is as large as some third world countries and has a real cash economy. Of course, it's hurting right now (the economy) but it continues to exist. More importantly is the therapy and social aspects of the game. I find it to be quite valuable in my long term recovery from a history of abuse in first life. Perhaps something good will happen here... if I can get it to work with ChucK... Les

Good news, we got it working. Basically my friend wmonk had implemented a subset of the OSC protocol that I did not understand. Now I can write ChucK code that is controlled from Second Life. I will begin with a simple version of Karplus Strong, one of my favorites. Les
participants (2)
Les Hall