Hello ChucKists! I'd like to announce that we just created an EChucK forum right next to the ChucK forum on www.electro-music.com. I was really surprised and happy with this especially since the project is still in its infancy. Some updates: I bought a netbook running XP (love it!), which now enables me to run the microchip MPLAB IDE so I can now write code for the EChucK dsPIC chips. After extensive learning curve of a few days I was able to write a simple little program that generates a square wave. I still don't have chips or a programmer, but that will happen in time. I also finally figured out how to cut up the EChucK circuit boards that I've had for months now into the little bitty boards that are the basis of EChucK. I used a Dremel tool with a diamond cutting wheel in a rickety drill press stand and thus created a very crude sort of horizontal PCB table saw. It worked pretty well, though some of the cuts were a little too close. I cut one board up for experimentation and left the other three intact. Also on the www.justinguitar.com forum, the other day I was mentioning EChucK and the possibility of doing guitar synth stuff with it. It turns out that one of the moderators there is looking for that "Matt Belamy of Muse" guitar sound and wants me to make us both a little mini guitar pedal. We decided to code up a test file in ChucK first, which I did with AGC followed by soft distortion to get something like the sound that he wanted. So it looks like after the square wave program, the first real application of EChucK will be to implement a ChucK program for guitar synth. That's about it for now. Please feel free to stop by the EChucK forum or view the EChucK web page at www.freedomodds.com/music/echuck/ . Les (Inventor)
participants (1)
Les Hall