USB Accelerometer

Good news, friends! I have received a working prototype of the USB Accelerometer that I told you all about a couple of times in recent months, and initial testing indicates that it is working perfectly. This device is about the size of two postage stamps. It comes with a five-foot (I think?) USB cable and a small wire harness that attaches to a right-angle header. The header allows the device to be programmed to receive button and potentiometer inputs as well as slow Analog and Digital inputs. It can also drive LEDs, though ChucK does not drive joystick LEDs yet. Oh yes, and it looks like an ordinary joystick so the programming interface is joy-fully easy to do in ChucK. The accelerometer is the same ADXL330 that is in the WiiMote and the ADC has enough resolution to read it accurately down to the noise floor of the device, so it is plenty sensitive. Sounds like a commercial? Yeah, well I'm excited about it - this thingamajig is the product of several months of work. I had made all the plans to DIY such a beast when I approached the company Ultimarc and suggested they might want to add it to their product line. To my amazement, Andy at ultimarc said he'd like to do just that! I was so excited then, and now it's sitting on my desk awaiting further testing! If you want to get a feel for the device, you can look up the U-HID nano on the Ultimarc web site, which is Just click on U-HID and then look for the baby brother of the U-HID, the U-HID nano. Our product is the U-HID nano complete with expansion port and with an accelerometer squeezed onto the little board (well, a tiny bit bigger). You can also email Andy about it, his email address is Just one more step forward on this fun and wild adventure that we call ChucK! Les (Inventor)
participants (1)
Les Hall