Hello, Please except my apologies about cross posting, however I have submitted an idea to the unconf concerning the use of ChucK and Git version control http://icmc-unconf.inclusiveimprov.co.uk/doku.php/unconf/proposals/chuck-and... This message is being cross posted to further publicise the Un-Conference events running along side the 2011 ICMC . . . http://icmc-unconf.inclusiveimprov.co.uk/ This year’s International Computer Music Conference is being hosted by the University of Huddersfield, Sunday July 31 -- Friday August 5 ( http://icmc2011.org.uk ) The unConf features presentations, discussions and conversation on Monday 1st August and Tuesday 2nd and Gigs on Sunday 31st July and Wednesday 3rd. What’s an unConf? Its a conference without the formality and fixed proceedings. If you have something you want to discuss or present then head online and submit an idea otherwise turn up on the day and start a conversation, best thing about attending the unConf is it is free of charge. While it is not formally part of the conference the unConf does give a great opportunity to meet with international practitioners. Hope to see some of you there, ii
participants (1)
Scott Hewitt