Clipping using multiple SndBuf files

Hi, I'm just wondering the best way to avoid clipping when using multiple SndBuf files in code? I'm making a composition using machine.add script and there is a lot clipping when the new scripts come in. Is the best thing to add Envelopes in the individual codes? Or is there some better way? Thanks, M Dr. Matthew James Noone Sarode Artist & Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow Irish World Academy of Music and Dance University of Limerick

Hi Mathieu,
i was having the same problem untill i added a .gain for each SndBuf
Like this:
.2 => buf1.gain; // buf1 being the name you gave your 1st SndBuf
.2 => buf2.gain;
If you have 10 different samples being played at the same time you have to reduce the gain to at least 1/10th of 1 being 0.1.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Op 27 feb. 2020 om 20:48 heeft Matthew.Noone
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