Re: [chuck-users] Reading materials.

and you could always kill someone with it if you had to . . . :)
From: Kassen
Date: 2006/09/12 Tue PM 06:49:34 EDT To: "ChucK Users Mailing List" Subject: Re: [chuck-users] Reading materials. On 9/13/06, Vassili Slessarenko
wrote: and finally thanks a lot to everyone who has made a recommendation... btw, what would be the absolute essential one of these readings if you had to choose?
For a all-round bird's eye perspective you can't go wrong with Roads. It's not cheap but it'll be with you for years to come every time you're unsure of a word.

On 9/13/06,
and you could always kill someone with it if you had to . . . :)
Sure. To be fair, this was a event with extra security since there had been a big debate about the main act who supposedly held nazi sympathies.... Oh, and antifa's had anounced they'd show up as well. So; it was a bit tense but me& some friends wanted to know what was up and I anticipated needing reading material on the train. I would've checked that bag in anyway but it's true; it's a brick of a book. Some bits are dated but most of it is quite universal and timeless. The show, in case anybody cares, was "der blutharsh" and while there was some interesting use of unconventional acoustic percussion I didn't see any reason to get that upset or excited. Oh, well.... Kas.
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