Grey Thumb is looking for speakers. Would you like to talk about something interesting you've done ChucK, or just something interesting? Or would you like to describe and demonstrate ChucK? Are you in the Boston area or will you be visiting in the coming months? If so, please email me at: martin [@] martincmartin.com. Grey Thumb (www.greythumb.org) is a group of scientists, engineers, hackers, artists, and hobbyists in the Boston metro area with a strong interest in artificial life, artificial intelligence, biology, computer science, and all sorts of other related topics. Best, Martin

On 1/10/07, Martin C. Martin
Grey Thumb is looking for speakers. Would you like to talk about something interesting you've done ChucK, or just something interesting? Or would you like to describe and demonstrate ChucK?
i would be interested in attending some of your meetings [since i live in roslindale]. i have used ChucK, but don't feel i have much to offer. my uses have only been very rudimentary. anyone spending a half hour with the manual could find out what i have. -- \js [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]

Hi John, It would be great to have you at the meetings, even just attending. To get announcements of upcoming meetings you should joint our mailing list at: http://www.greythumb.org/wiki/MailingList Also, even a demonstration of rudimentary uses of ChucK could be useful, since I doubt most people at our meetings have even heard about it. But either way, feel free to attend our meetings. Best, Martin john saylor wrote:
On 1/10/07, Martin C. Martin
wrote: Grey Thumb is looking for speakers. Would you like to talk about something interesting you've done ChucK, or just something interesting? Or would you like to describe and demonstrate ChucK?
i would be interested in attending some of your meetings [since i live in roslindale]. i have used ChucK, but don't feel i have much to offer. my uses have only been very rudimentary. anyone spending a half hour with the manual could find out what i have.
participants (2)
john saylor
Martin C. Martin