Using Monome 40h with ChucK

I just got one of the monome 40h control units and have been fighting with it in Max/MSp to do even fairly simple things. Max gives you lots of free audio processing, but it's a real pig for logic. Anyway, I thought that since ChucK supports OSC, I might as well fire up a miniaudicle and put together a simple ChucK script that can do something interesting with the 40h. What I ended up writing was a following x-y pad emulator for the monome that moves the control position across the plate in response to pressing of buttons and then returns to the center if left alone. Adding MIDI or other sending support to this would be trvial. Do any ChucK users out there have a, or have access to a 40h? The code for my first crude hack is at And I'll no doubt be working with that more over the next few days. On another note, did my stom patch or midi library make it into the full ChucK tree? :) B> -- Packrat (Wombat Implementor;COSO;Badgerphonic;Biokino Artist) Nihil illegitemi carbovndvm
participants (1)
Bruce Murphy